Blooming: Camaridium cucullatum

I’ve had it for just over a year. The ID tag also contained info that it’s spring blooming plant. Well, it’s autumn and it has one flower.

It was one of the surprise orchids I got, it was my first orchid order and I knew very little at the time and added a note that I’d prefer the surprise section to be bark growing. In my mind that meant that the medium is bark and not moss (moss terrified me and I was convinced I’d kill anything in moss). I got three mounted plants and apologies that they don’t have any more currently and that the other two should be suitable for mounting. Totally unprepared for mounted orchids I managed to find them a home in the bathroom (thankfully we have a big window there). I quickly got into the routine of misting them every morning and twice a week putting them in the shower to properly soak them. I wasn’t sure whether that’d be enough to keep them alive and I didn’t count on any flowers. They all grew new pseudobulbs and then Ornithidium bloomed. And this week Camaridium followed its example. It’s got only one flower, but I’m still proud.

It’s summer time

And that means lots of new blooms in the house.

Ornithidium sophronitis is back in bloom, 4 flowers this time.

Miltonia Sunset is also beginning to bloom:

My Phal that arrived in spike two months ago has also opened up:

That’s the good news. The bad news is that I lost Masdevallia veitchiana, it simply lost the remaining leaves, the increased humidity didn’t help. I think with the hot weather we’ve had recently it couldn’t handle the heat (it’s a cool grower). It’s sad. but at least my other 3 Masdevallias are doing fine. I also had to throw away one of my Dendrobiums as it was so infested with scale there was no saving it. I found scale on another plant, but not as much so I’m treating it in isolation as well as giving all my plants a preventative series of treatments with neem oil (yup it took me half a Saturday to spray them all, and it’d be good to repeat it twice more over the next couple of weeks… lots of work when you have so many plants, but then I don’t want to lose all my collection due to silly scale do I?)

Back home surprise

After returning from holidays I found two guys started blooming. One of them, Ornithidium sophronitis, apparently difficult to bloom – I was already resigned to never see it bloom. The other, Coelogyne fimbriata, I had blooming before. Both only one flower each.

Ornithidium sophronitis

Coelogyne fimbriata