Blooming: Camaridium cucullatum

I’ve had it for just over a year. The ID tag also contained info that it’s spring blooming plant. Well, it’s autumn and it has one flower.

It was one of the surprise orchids I got, it was my first orchid order and I knew very little at the time and added a note that I’d prefer the surprise section to be bark growing. In my mind that meant that the medium is bark and not moss (moss terrified me and I was convinced I’d kill anything in moss). I got three mounted plants and apologies that they don’t have any more currently and that the other two should be suitable for mounting. Totally unprepared for mounted orchids I managed to find them a home in the bathroom (thankfully we have a big window there). I quickly got into the routine of misting them every morning and twice a week putting them in the shower to properly soak them. I wasn’t sure whether that’d be enough to keep them alive and I didn’t count on any flowers. They all grew new pseudobulbs and then Ornithidium bloomed. And this week Camaridium followed its example. It’s got only one flower, but I’m still proud.

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